Sunday, June 24, 2012

King Sized Postage Stamp

This king sized quilt lives with my friends in Colorado Springs.  We met this couple when we were stationed in Europe and have been friends ever since.  They have been the sponsors for our two boys attending the Air Force Academy and have provided us a place to stay for parents' weekends and acceptance day visits, rides to the airport and laundry services and a place to hang out for the boys when they could get permission to leave the Academy, to name a small portion of the kind things they have done for our family.  I made this quilt for them.  I got the idea from a quilt at a wedding reception that was made from strips of fabric.  I thought I could do the same effect with 
1 1/2 inch squares.  The lines are off set and built up like a reverse log cabin.  I used up a lot of scraps for this one.  L.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Janine's Quilts

You might notice that my quilts look a little bit different than Luanne's.  Hers are meticulously crafted traditional patterns, with thousands of pieces and lots of extras, like piping in the borders.  And you can guarantee that all her corners meet perfectly.

My quilts, on the other hand, are, well, a bit odd.

Ok, maybe odd's a little to harsh.  Eccentric, maybe?

I have always been interested in the folksy aspect of early quilts- how some ancient housewife, in a fit of make-do, put a bunch of odd scraps of fabric together and made a blanket.  And the fun part is the  colors in these quilts don't quite match, the fabrics are faded and shifted.  If they ran out of bits of one kind of fabric, they substituted another of similar color.  Yet the whole quilt pattern hangs together in glorious cohesiveness.


I admit that I have never consciously thrown out a piece of fabric.  And I swear ugly material reproduces when packed in plastic bins.  In order to get rid of the ugly and/or ridiculously outdated fabric I must sew it up into a quilt.  Therefore, my quilts are different.

I also admit that I sometimes see a quilt as a large, blank canvas.  It's just real slow making a picture when you have to use scraps of fabric and embroidery floss.


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Variable Star - Salmon and Aqua

Hand quilted, variable star pattern, salmon and aqua. 100% cotton with a pale blue back. Queen size.

Available for sale on Etsy. For pricing and additional views check it out here.

Or search for "Brinemere" on Etsy to see all of our work.

Made by Luanne.

Welcome to Our Blog!

Welcome to The McBride Sisters' Never-ending Quilting  Bee!

This blog will showcase the quilts made by the three McBride sisters in their never-ending competition to make the softest, fluffiest, most colorful and adorable quilts you've ever seen. Please join us on this journey. 

It's like American Chopper, but without the handlebar mustaches and motorcycles!

(One of the sisters, Luanne, would like for you to know that neither she nor the other sisters, Janine & Tracie, had anything to do with this first post; it was all thanks to her smart-alecky son who set her up on this blog to begin with, so he gets the right to do something silly like this. Cheers!)